About Us
The Pacific E-commerce Portal: the go-to place for current information
on e-commerce development in the Pacific
The Portal includes
Development Section: search and find information on development Programs and Projects supporting regional E-commerce priorities. The Progress section captures and aggregates information from project pages and provides infographics on the implementation of regional E-commerce priorities
Resources Section: access practical toolkits for businesses going online, national and regional E-commerce diagnostic reports and strategies, and our virtual training course on E-commerce for policymakers
Statistics Section: dive into the most comprehensive compendium of E-commerce statistics available for the Pacific region
News Section: read updates from partners of the Pacific E-commerce Initiative
Why E-commerce in the Pacific
E-commerce can bring Pacific Island Countries closer to world markets and reduce the investment cost required to start and operate a successful small business. This is why E-commerce was identified as one of the priorities of the Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy 2020-2025.
Information on E-commerce development across the Pacific, as well as on available supporting programs, is very difficult to obtain. Businesses across the Pacific that are seeking to move online and governments looking to support E-commerce in the region need data and information to drive decisions on their investments. Our Portal aims to bridge the information gap and provide a comprehensive repository of information on e-commerce in the Pacific
Our vision
The Pacific E-commerce Initiative
To achieve its vision, the Pacific region has established the Pacific E-commerce Initiative.
The initiative, coordinated by the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), brings together Forum Island Countries, international and regional organizations, and donor partners. We focus on the regional dimension of E-commerce, which complements the valuable work being undertaken at country level. By working together, Forum Island Countries can achieve their priorities more cost-effectively achieve priorities which are outside the reach of single companies or Members.
The initiative started in 2017 with an initial focus on diagnostic work, including the development of eleven national and regional E-commerce Assessments. This work informed the development of a Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap which was endorsed by Forum Trade Ministers in August 2021.
The Pacific E-commerce Committee and its Sub-committees form the core governance mechanism underpinning the Strategy. Inspired by e-Trade for All Initiative, PIF has also established a Pacific E-commerce Alliance, which will bring together the organisations involved in implementing projects or programs aligned to the Strategy’s measures. PIF is a proud member of the e-Trade for All Initiative.
Our Priority Areas and Strategic Outputs
Our Location
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Ratu Sukuna Road
Suva, Fiji
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