Coordination of the Pacific E-commerce Initiative

Pacific Regional

About the Program

In 2017 the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) has launched and consolidated a multi-stakeholder initiative known as the Pacific E-commerce Initiative. From 2017 to 2021 the initiative has focused on the development of diagnostic studies. These have informed the development and ministerial endorsement of a Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap (the Strategy) in August 2021.

Since 2022 the focus of PIFS and its partners has shifted to implementation. As of April 2024, 23% the 54 Strategy measures had been completed with 61% under implementation. Besides contributing to the implementation of some measures, PIFS coordinates the Pacific E-commerce Initiative with the view of ensuring efficient delivery, avoiding duplication, and obtaining best value-for-money for donors’ taxpayers.

Coordination is led by the PIFS E-commerce Unit through the following workstreams:

  • Coordination of information through establishment and management of a Pacific E-commerce Portal, the go-to place for current information on e-commerce development in the Pacific. It includes information on available technical assistance, practical business guides, technical reports, statistics, and news.
  • Establishment of a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework (M&E) for the Strategy, based on the Projects section of the Pacific E-commerce Portal.
  • Establishment of regional e-commerce governance mechanism, comprising a Pacific E-commerce Committee and two Sub-committees, one representing the private sector and one representing development partners. PIFS provides secretarial support to the Committee and the Sub-committees.
  • Advocacy and resource mobilization for implementation of the Strategy.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Regional

Main Beneficiary

Government and Private Sector







Implementing Agency

Contact Person

Andrea Ibba
Pacific E-commerce Coordinator

Policy Area

PA1. E-commerce Readiness & Strategy Formulation

Strategic Output

    • 1.1. National E-commerce strategies are developed and implemented in FICs, which are built on domestic consensus and inspired by the Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap
    • , 1.2. Statistics on E-commerce are available to inform national and regional policymaking of FICs and the formulation of donor-funded programmes
    • , 1.3. E-commerce potential and opportunities in the Pacific are visible and recognized internationally


Individual Projects Under the Program

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