E-commerce Assessments for Forum Island Countries

About the Project

When establishing the Pacific E-commerce Initiative, Forum Island Countries concurred on the need to lay solid analytical foundations as a precondition to undertake truly transformative actions on E-commerce. The UNCTAD E-Trade Readiness methodology was selected as the template to assess digital transformation challenges and opportunities. Based on this methodology, assessments are being undertaken in all members countries who express an interest to be assessed.

The 12 assessments that have been produced so far can be found here.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Region

Main Beneficiary

Government and Private Sector



Budget ($)


Australia, EIF, European Union

Implementing Agency

Contact Person

Andrea Giacomelli
Aid-for-Trade and Trade Policy Advisor

Policy Area

PA1. E-commerce Readiness & Strategy Formulation

Strategic Output

1.1. National E-commerce strategies are developed and implemented in FICs, which are built on domestic consensus and inspired by the Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap.


1.1.1 Develop national E-commerce strategies in all FICs built on the model of the regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap

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