M&E Framework Upgrades

About the Project

The PIFS E-commerce Unit undertook some upgrades to the Pacific E-commerce Portal to better serve the needs of members and partners. These include:

A better regional M&E system for the Strategy. Development Section’s back-end and front-end undertook a series of changes to fully automate the regional M&E system linking the Project pages to the Progress sub-section. A Concept Paper elaborating on the required upgraded was approved by the Pacific E-commerce Committee meeting of December 2022.

A first-class M&E system for member countries. Following the Development Section upgrades, PIFS developed a WebApp to allow members to monitor the implementation of their National E-commerce Strategies. Secure country-pages will be created, and training provided to support deployment of the M&E system at national level.

You can find the infographics for the M&E system here.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Region

Main Beneficiary




Budget ($)



European Union

Implementing Agency


Contact Person

Andrea Ibba
Pacific E-commerce Coordinator

Policy Area

PA1. E-commerce Readiness & Strategy Formulation

Strategic Output

1.2. Statistics on E-commerce are available to inform national and regional policymaking of FICs and the formulation of donor-funded programmes.


1.2.1 Establish a regional collection, production, compilation and dissemination mechanism for E-commerce statistics

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