A proxy for measuring the development of local content by the private sector is the number of registered domains per person in a country, which can be found here.
The world average of registered private sector domains per person in 2021 was 0.02. In 2022, out of 16 Forum Island Countries, 3 had a private sector domain registered per person above the world average:
Cook Islands 0.03
Fiji 0.00
French Polynesia 0.01
Kiribati 0.00
Marshall Islands 0.02
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 0.00
Nauru 0.02
New Caledonia 0.01
Niue 0.07
Palau 0.11
Papua New Guinea 0.00
Samoa 0.00
Solomon Islands 0.00
Tonga 0.00
Tuvalu 0.02
Vanuatu 0.00