E-commerce Statistics
The most comprehensive compendium of E-commerce statistics available for the Pacific region
Producing statistics on e-commerce and more broadly on the digital economy is increasingly important to support decisions by both the private and the public sectors. This is a challenge for Pacific Islands Countries, many of which are still at an early stage in the development of e-commerce and associated statistics. To help in addressing this challenge, we have extracted Pacific e-commerce statistics from global public databases and consolidated them in the Pacific Data Hub managed by the Pacific Community (SPC). This Portal hosts a user-friendly subset of these statistics, comprising many of the indicators recommended by the E-Commerce and Digital Economy Programme of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
We are working to ensure that e-commerce statistics become available for an increasing number of Pacific Islands Countries and that comprehensive statistics on e-commerce transactions also become available in our region. The Statistics Section of this Portal is developed through a collaboration between the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), SPC and UNCTAD.