First-ever National E-commerce Strategy in Vanuatu

On the 17 May 2022 Vanuatu’s Trade Minister, Honourable James Bule, launched the first-ever National E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap. The Strategy is a four-year plan to enhance domestic and cross-border ecommerce readiness.

In launching the strategy, Minster Bule noted that “Ecommerce is becoming an integral part of our lives replacing traditional ways in which we do business. However, ecommerce benefits are not automatic. With this strategy, we aim at seizing the development opportunities provided by ecommerce and leveraging resources to accelerate its adoption”.

The adoption of the new strategy is aligned with the recommendations of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap, notably Measure 1.1.1 requiring to develop national E-commerce strategies in all FICs built on the model of the regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap.


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