First Pacific E-commerce Committee meeting and M&E report

A significant milestone was reached on 2 December 2022 with the inaugural meeting of the Pacific E-commerce Committee. This event marked a major achievement for the Pacific E-commerce Initiative by establishing a dedicated forum aimed at accelerating e-commerce readiness in the Pacific region. Guided by the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap, the Committee is poised to drive progress and foster a thriving e-commerce ecosystem in the Pacific.

Over 60 participants representing 12 country members and 18 observers attended the first Pacific E-commerce Committee meeting held virtually on 2 December 2022.  

The meeting presented the progress made towards the implementation of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap, gave the opportunity to Member countries to showcase their recent developments in e-commerce and endorsed the terms of reference for the establishment of the Pacific E-commerce Committee and its two sub-Committees, namely the Pacific E-commerce Private Sector and Development Partners Sub-Committees.

The first Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the implementation of the Regional Strategy revealed that 43% of the Strategy’s measures are under implementation through targeted projects by the Strategy’s implementing partners.  

The meeting was organised by the Pacific Islands Forum and progresses the implementation of measure 1.1.2 of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap endorsed by Forum Trade Ministers in August 2021.  

Follow the link below to find out more: 

New Pacific E-commerce Committee to strengthen regional trade  

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