ecomConnect Programme


About the Program

The ecomConnect programme is seeking to develop small business digital capabilities and improve e-commerce accessibility in developing and least developed countries for sustainable and inclusive growth. It is run by the International Trade Centre (ITC), a joint agency of the WTO and the UN; the only development agency entirely dedicated to strengthening the MSME sector.

The programme actively supports micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing and least developed countries in their journey to sell online through its tailored online and face-to-face learning program, project-related technical assistance and field support, and digital tools, backed by research and innovative solutions, collaborative structures, and partnerships.

The programme covers activities and interactions on three levels: enterprise level, ecosystem level, and policy and institutional environment level. Its overall objective is to shift from improving to consolidating the capabilities of each SME, ensuring long-term, sustainable change.

The ecomConnect programme’s goal is to drive the digital inclusion of MSMEs and offer them favourable conditions for online trading. The programme is supported by several private sector partners who provide favourable rates and access to their e-commerce platforms and services, support promotional initiatives, and contribute to the e-commerce training and capacity-building methodology of the programme.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus


Main Beneficiary

Private Sector




Multi-Partner Trust Fund, The Commonwealth, European Union, European Investment Fund, German's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Qatar Development Bank (QDB), Sweden's government agency for development cooperation (SIDA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank



Implementing Agency


Contact Person

James Howe
Senior Adviser

Policy Area

PA2. ICT Infrastructure & Services
PA3. Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitation
PA5. Electronic Payment Solutions
PA6. E-commerce Skills Development

Strategic Output

  • 2.1. International connectivity is expanded and strengthened across the Pacific
  • 3.4. Accessibility of E-commerce platforms has increased
  • 5.1. Non-bank digital payment solutions for E-commerce are deployed across the Pacific
    • 6.1. The regional innovation/start-up ecosystem for E-commerce business ventures is strengthened
    • , 6.2. Digital skills are enhanced for all


Individual Projects Under the Program

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