Improving interoperability between payment service providers at national level

Pacific Regional

About the Program

As Measure 5.2.1 of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap points out, lack of interoperability between payment service providers increases the costs of financial transactions for both consumers and merchants and may prevent the use of certain payment solutions by complicating the entire E-commerce ecosystem. This challenge is compounded by the difficulties to provide identification (national identity card or alternative means) to meet KYC requirements, which further reduce the number of potential clients. Payment providers -banks and MNOs- have been working in silos, making costs of developing dedicated electronic payment solutions very high for very limited populations.

Work is underway in several Forum members to accelerate the development of centralized infrastructures for the digital clearing and settlement of payments. Central Banks are working with the World Bank to develop a regional payment system. These new systems will allow both banks and non-bank PSPs to exchange payments in real-time, achieving full interoperability at national level. The central banks are also implementing the relevant reform of the legal framework to properly monitor and regulate the market.

Start and End Date



Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Regional

Main Beneficiary

Government and Private Sector







Implementing Agency


Contact Person

Andrea Ibba
Pacific E-commerce Coordinator

Policy Area

PA5. Electronic Payment Solutions

Strategic Output

  • 5.2. Business-friendly digital payment solutions spearheaded by commercial banks and Mobile Network Operators are integrated in E-commerce ecosystem


Individual Projects Under the Program

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