The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility was created at the request of developing and least- developed country Members to help ensure that they receive the assistance they need to reap the full benefits of the new WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and to support the ultimate goal of full implementation of this Agreement by all Members. The TFAF offers technical assistance, matchmaking with development partners, project preparation and implementation grants, and a wealth of information on the website. Countries can apply for project preparation grants up to 35,000 USD and project implementation grants up to 200,000 USD if linked to implementation of the TFA. Conditions apply.
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility (TFAF)
All WTO Members
About the Program
Start and End Date
Not Available
Geographical Focus
All WTO Members
Main Beneficiary
Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Special Customs Territory of Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States
Policy Area
PA3. Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitation
Strategic Output
- 3.1. Trade procedures relevant to cross-border E-commerce are digitized and harmonized across FICs
Individual Projects Under the Program
There are no projects attached to this program.