E-commerce Legislation Gap Analysis for the Pacific

About the Project

The establishment of adequate legal frameworks can promote the uptake of e-commerce and facilitate the transition to a digital economy by reducing uncertainties, enhancing trust and addressing potential harms. Under PDEP, UNCTAD will provide research and technical assistance in the area of ICT and Law Reform in support of countries’ efforts towards the preparation of an enabling legal and regulatory environment for e-commerce. In this context, this study will present a regional review and gap analysis of the legislative frameworks for the 16 developing countries that are member of the Pacific Islands Forum. The study will serve as a background to a regional training, workshop and publication on e-commerce legislation harmonization in the Pacific, tentatively scheduled for late 2022 or early 2023.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Region

Main Beneficiary




Budget ($)


Implementing Agency


Contact Person

Chad Morris
Programme Manager

Policy Area

PA4. Legal & Regulatory Framework

Strategic Output

4.1. E-commerce-related laws are made or amended based on UNCITRAL model laws as best international standard, plus other best international practices.


4.1.2 Adopt other relevant laws and regulations increasing confidence for consumers and businesses and predictability of E-commerce

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