Pacific E-commerce Portal

About the Project

The Pacific E-commerce Portal is the go-to place for current information on e-commerce development in the Pacific. It was developed in 2022 and upgraded in 2024.

The Portal currently includes a:

  • Development Section: search and find information on development programs and projects supporting regional E-commerce priorities. The Progress subsection monitors the progress on the implementation of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap
  • Resources Section: access the eCove Community to interact with your peers and the Training subsection to find e-commerce resources for both the privaye and the public sector, from practical toolkits for businesses going online and recordings of the PIF training workshops to our virtual training course on E-commerce for policymakers
  • Library: access the PIFS Business E-commerce Toolkits produced so far and national and regional e-commerce diagnostic reports and strategies
  • Statistics Section: dive into the most comprehensive compendium of e-commerce statistics available for the Pacific region
  • News Section: read updates from partners of the Pacific E-commerce Initiative

Click here to watch a video guiding you through the various resources of the Portal.

Start and End Date


Geographical Focus

Pacific Region

Main Beneficiary

Government and Private Sector



Budget ($)



Australia, European Union

Implementing Agency

Contact Person

Dr Andrea Giacomelli
Aid-for-Trade and Trade Policy Advisor

Policy Area

PA1. E-commerce Readiness & Strategy Formulation

Strategic Output

1.3. E-commerce potential and opportunities in the Pacific are visible and recognized internationally


1.3.2 Launch a Pacific E-commerce Portal providing information on how to operate an E-commerce business, pre-requisites on access to payment gateways, E-commerce supporting programs, initiatives and development partners funded projects.

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