Pacific Regional E-commerce Alliance

About the Project

The Pacific Regional E-commerce Alliance (henceforth PacificEcom) is a regional network that aims to improve the ability of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) to use and benefit from e-commerce. It can reduce silos in developing capacity and provide opportunities for e-commerce development in the Pacific by enlisting the support of national, regional and global partners united by the vision embedded in the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap (the Strategy).

Inspired by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s eTrade for All partnership, PacificEcom brings together the organizations involved in implementing projects or programs aligned to one or more of the Strategy’s Measures. While seeking to create synergies and avoid duplication of work, the activities of each institution will continue to be undertaken according to its respective procedures, priorities and work programs.

The goal of PacifEcom is to support e-commerce development in the Pacific region.

PacifEcom intends to achieve this goal through three objectives:

  1. Raising awareness of opportunities, challenges and potential solutions to boost e-commerce in PICs;
  2. Mobilising resources to implement the Strategy; and
  3. Promoting coordination and synergies among partners’ activities with a view to increasing impact, avoiding duplication, and enhancing efficiency.

Start and End Date

Not Available

Geographical Focus

Pacific Region

Main Beneficiary

Government and Private Sector



Budget ($)




Implementing Agency


Contact Person

Dr Andrea Giacomelli
Aid-for-Trade and Trade Policy Advisor

Policy Area

PA1. E-commerce Readiness & Strategy Formulation

Strategic Output

1.1. National E-commerce strategies are developed and implemented in FICs, which are built on domestic consensus and inspired by the Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap.


1.1.4 Create an alliance of regional organizations, industry leaders and development partners (PacifEcom Alliance) to galvanize support, innovation and Public Private Partnerships for E-commerce development

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