
Trade made easier with Solomon Islands’ new e-commerce platform

Launched in November 2022, Klikpei is Solomon Islands’ first national e-commerce platform and provides improved pathways to buy and sell goods and services for local buyers.

The locally owned platform is accessible through website and mobile application, and managed by Island Tech Solomon. As of today, 14 registered  vendors trade a wide range of both local and imported products with delivery services within and between Honiara and Gizo.  The platform offers free registration for vendors and buyers encouraging participation from both communities.

The initiative demonstrates a concrete example of how e-commerce can address trade challenges such as high costs due to distance to the markets and lack of infrastructure. This online marketplace is clearly enabling buyers and sellers to connect and pay services and goods online from their comfort locations. Though currently the platform services only distinct area of of Solomon Islands, there are plans to expand coverage to rural areas.

In line with the aspirations of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap endorsed by the Forum Trade Ministers in August 202, Solomon Islands developed its national e-commerce strategy in 2022. The strategy has in turn inspired the establishment of the online marketplace to promote inclusive trade.

The national e-commerce platform was made possible thanks Australia’s financial support and UN Capital Development Fund’s technical support.

Visit the website here.

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