E-trade for All

The Pacific Islands Forum becomes the 35th member of the eTrade for all initiative

The UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative has gained a new member. The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) has formalised its engagements with the initiative, raising the membership to 35 partners.

As the latest member of eTrade for all, PIF will contribute to bridging the gap on e-commerce learning and knowledge in the region and share the Pacific experiences with other partners and stakeholders.

Launched in 2016, the eTrade for all initiative serves as a global helpdesk for information and contacts on technical assistance in key policy areas for the development of e-commerce and the digital economy in developing countries.

As a key contributor to the UNCTAD eCommerce Weeks, the initiative has been pivotal in shaping the global dialogue on the development implications of e-commerce and digitalization. Through its platform, eTrade for all has facilitated collaboration and leveraged synergies to create two impactful spin-off programs: eT Readies and eTrade for Women.

Whilst PIF joined the eTrade for all initiative just recently, its longstanding collaboration with UNCTAD led to the creation of the Pacific E-commerce Initiative. At a 2017 PIFS-UNCTAD-WTO Pacific E-commerce workshop, partners concurred on the need to lay solid analytical and policy foundations as a precondition to undertake truly transformative actions. To support this determination, PIF and its partners have developed national and regional E-commerce Assessments, culminating with the development of a Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap.

  • To learn about the eTrade for all initiative and know more about its programmes and products, please visit their website here.
  • To read the press release announcing PIF joining the eTrade for all initiative, please click here.
  • To read the UNCTAD news announcing PIF joining the eTrade for all initiative, please click here.
  • To read about PIF’s E-commerce Acceleration Program for the Pacific, please visit the program page on the eTrade for all website here or the Program Section of the Pacific E-commerce Portal here.
  • To learn about UNCTAD’s program under the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap, please visit the Program Section of the Pacific E-commerce Portal here.

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